YAY! New Stamps! (Do I really need it?)
We’ve all been there; walking in our favorite craft store – just browsing- and you see it: a new stamp that you have just GOT to have. I know I have been there many times. You know how the story ends, don’t you? You buy it and it sits unopened sometimes forever. If you have money to burn, that is no big deal but for the rest of us, the feeling of wasting money can zap the creativity out of us. How can we avoid this feeling? Let me share what I have been trying to do lately. Yes, I still fail but sometimes you just need ANOTHER beach stamp!
While crafting, I like to have YouTube videos playing in the background. First off, it’s good background noise and secondly, sometimes I hear something that makes me stop what I’m doing and pay attention. That is how I found this idea. I listened to the overall idea watching Jennifer McGuire but tweaked it a bit to fit how I craft and my budget. I think that the plan of all these YouTubers is for people to use their ideas for inspiration but put their own touches on them.
Jennifer’s idea is when you get a new stamp set to think of 5 ways you can use it and write it down on Post-it notes and keep it with the stamp set. I love that idea! I took it a little further. I have this wonderful app called Evernote on my phone where I have cataloged all of my supplies. (that’s another post for a different time) I first look to see if I already have that stamp or something like it. If so, I don’t buy it. Then I look at others in the same category to see if it will complement something I already have. If so and I can think of 2 to 3 ways to use it then I can justify buying it. When I get home, I write the idea down and catalog it with the stamp set so I don’t forget what my plan was when I bought it.
Trust me, I have bought many random stamps thinking they were so great in the store and then looking at them saying “What was I thinking?!” Giving a little pause beforehand helps keep my stash under control and my budget happy so I can buy things I actually want and will use.
The only time I don’t do this is when my daughter and I are garage saleling then I’ll buy anything craft related.
Craft your way to a wonderful day!
While crafting, I like to have YouTube videos playing in the background. First off, it’s good background noise and secondly, sometimes I hear something that makes me stop what I’m doing and pay attention. That is how I found this idea. I listened to the overall idea watching Jennifer McGuire but tweaked it a bit to fit how I craft and my budget. I think that the plan of all these YouTubers is for people to use their ideas for inspiration but put their own touches on them.
Jennifer’s idea is when you get a new stamp set to think of 5 ways you can use it and write it down on Post-it notes and keep it with the stamp set. I love that idea! I took it a little further. I have this wonderful app called Evernote on my phone where I have cataloged all of my supplies. (that’s another post for a different time) I first look to see if I already have that stamp or something like it. If so, I don’t buy it. Then I look at others in the same category to see if it will complement something I already have. If so and I can think of 2 to 3 ways to use it then I can justify buying it. When I get home, I write the idea down and catalog it with the stamp set so I don’t forget what my plan was when I bought it.
Trust me, I have bought many random stamps thinking they were so great in the store and then looking at them saying “What was I thinking?!” Giving a little pause beforehand helps keep my stash under control and my budget happy so I can buy things I actually want and will use.
The only time I don’t do this is when my daughter and I are garage saleling then I’ll buy anything craft related.
Craft your way to a wonderful day!